2014年9月9日 星期二

Master programs

Education Advice: What are the top one-year Masters programs in Computer Science in the US?

I'm looking for a standalone Masters program rather than the one which combines the BS/MS degrees in five years. An examle could be-  M. Eng. at Cornell (http://www.cs.cornell.edu/grad/M...).

Yui RasanandaYui Rasanandagoroster
upvotes by Danny TanAditya LesmanaAnonymous(more)
CMU offers couple of one-year master programs under the school of computerscience. Here are the ones I know of.

Master of Science in Information Technology (MSIT) in eBusiness Technology

Master of Science in Information Technology – Software Engineering

Master of Human-Computer Interaction

Vinay VemuriVinay VemuriGraduate Student at Carnegie M... (more)
upvote by Riaz Moola.
MIT does NOT have a one year Masters program except for their own undergraduates.

Stanford, Berkeley (M.Eng in Computer Science. Not the M.S. in Computer Science) and Carnegie Mellon have programs that would typically take you 1 to 1.5 years to complete.

Sarah NguyenSarah Nguyen
upvotes by Ai Jiang and Sebin Tony.
I think Rice's program is 1 year: http://compsci.rice.edu/academic...

And Berkeley has a 1 year M.Eng now: http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/Gra...

