2015年11月6日 星期五






  1. 收縮PC肌20次。每次收縮時保持1到2秒,然後放鬆肌肉。每天進行3次,每周進行3到4天。進行該練習時保持正常呼吸,避免屏氣。


  1. 以更長的時間和更大的強度收縮PC肌。約兩周後,你應該可以更輕易地伸縮你的PC肌,並能保持更長的時間。就像身體上的其他肌肉一樣,它能對刺激做出反應,同時能隨著更多的使用而變得更發達。下一步,嘗試加強收縮的距離和增加收縮的次數。

    • 嘗試把每天3次,每次20下收縮,改為每天3次,每次50下收縮。
    • 熟練後,你將懂得如何單獨或同時收縮你的陰莖和肛門括約肌。
  2. 進行PC肌交替練習。開始非常慢地收縮PC肌。速度非常地慢,這將需要花數分鐘的時間才能讓你收縮到完全收縮的位置點上。當你完全收縮時,再盡量多收縮一點並保持30秒,這個過程中保持緩和的呼吸。當你達到極限時,放鬆並進行20次常規的PC肌收縮。在每天鍛煉結束時進行該練習。

    進行PC肌斷續練習。所有這些都是遞增地收縮你的PC肌。逐步地收緊你的PC肌。開始時先輕輕地收縮 — 保持PC肌收縮一小段時間 — 然後在"輕輕地"的程度上再繼續加強收縮。當你斷斷續續地完全收縮了PC肌時,不要馬上完全放鬆肌肉;應輕緩地放鬆肌肉,先放鬆一點,然後再逐步地進行放 鬆。 想像一下運用你的PC肌上下樓梯的情形。
  3. 如果你是男性,可以在勃起狀態下進行PC肌鍛煉。作為男性,在勃起狀態下,有幾種PC肌的鍛煉方法,它們大都包括抵抗力訓練。
    • 把一條小毛巾放在你勃起的陰莖上,然後通過收縮PC肌舉起毛巾。堅持2到5秒,放鬆,如此重複30次。
    • 把你的手放在勃起陰莖上方1到2英寸的地方。收縮PC肌,讓陰莖勃起到你的手掌位置。堅持2到5秒,放鬆,如此重複30次。
    • 再次把你的手放在勃起陰莖上方1到2英寸的地方。收縮PC肌,讓陰莖勃起到你的手掌位置。這一次,當你挺起陰莖時,讓你的手掌輕輕地往下退,形成一定的抵抗力。堅持2到5秒,放鬆,如此重複30次。
  4. 鍛煉不應過度。適當地結合初級和中級練習,但每天只需進行3組PC肌鍛煉,每組50下。過度的刺激會造成肌肉疲勞。


  1. 和你的伴侶一起進行PC肌鍛煉。在進行性行為時鍛煉PC肌能更有效和有趣。男性伴侶勃起後,進行抽插,雙方可以輪流進行PC肌鍛煉 — 他進行收縮,然後她再進行收縮,等等。請確定你的伴侶和你一樣也熱衷於進行這項練習。
  2. 在勃起時進行PC肌收縮。按摩你的陰莖直到它勃起為止。逐漸地按摩你的陰莖直到你接近高潮。這時應馬上停止按摩並開始收縮你的PC肌。一旦你的勃起狀態開始變得疲軟,再次按摩你的陰莖直到你再次接近高潮為止。再次收縮你的PC肌並重複上述過程,直到你的PC肌得到充分鍛煉為止。
    • 如果你在練習期間突然進入了高潮狀態,這可能是由於你的PC肌還沒強壯到可以進行高級練習。在進行高級練習前,應先專註於掌握好中級練習中的技巧。
  3. 進行PC肌閃電練習。該練習有一定難度,因為它包括了不同的收縮強度和方法。找出能在10到20分鐘內讓自己感到舒適的位置。在練習時切記要保持呼吸。
    • 作為熱身,先進性50下PC肌收縮。
    • 下一步,盡你所能收縮你的PC肌,並堅持30秒。
    • 下一步,在不進行休息的情況下進行100次PC肌收縮。收縮2秒,然後放鬆2秒,如此繼續下去。
    • 下一步,盡你所能收縮你的PC肌。並保持1分鐘、會讓人感動到很痛苦的收縮。
    • 休息2分鐘。
    • 下一步,在這最後的階段,進行50下5秒收縮練習。你的練習到此結束了!


  • 進行PC肌練習只需要內部肌肉的移動,周圍的人不會察覺到你的動靜,因此你幾乎可以在任何地方進行該練習--例如,在乘車或躺在床上的時候。
  • 凱格爾練習法和PC肌鍛煉法相仿。
  • PC肌鍛煉就和其他任何鍛煉項目一樣。你越努力,將會越快地得到更好的效果。
  • 開始時,該練習可能會有一定難度。但請堅持下去,並逐漸地加強鍛煉,直到能最大化重複的次數。這可能需要通過數天甚至數周的時間才能達到這樣的程度。


  • 和其他肌肉一樣,PC肌也會變得緊張和疲勞。如果你在進行PC肌鍛煉時出現疼痛感,應立即停止。

2015年10月13日 星期二


 標題  Re: [請問] PTT的信箱爆了不用怕                                         
 時間  Sun Nov  7 00:56:34 2010                                               

作者: sgracee (丞琳板FallinLove) 站內: ask

您好 事實上不太需要買信箱

CTRL+U 進使用者名單再按 r

CTRL+Z 再按 m



【郵件選單】                     批踢踢實業坊                       看板《ask》
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我的相簿 @ 無名 http://www.wretch.cc/album/sgracee        
我的個板 @ 批兔 telnet://ptt2.cc 看板《sgracee》        
Ptt看板/擔任板主《Fallinlove PTT-Press TW-GHONOR uniform ask!》 
(嘉琳.小柔.丞琳.棋惠)4inLove Ptt新聞室 樂儀旗舞! 制服板 問板   

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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※ 編輯: sgracee         來自:       (10/10 23:50)
btovoms:是啊 之前也是高人指點 所以我就不管信箱容量 都用這樣的   10/11 00:01
btovoms:的方式進出信箱,不過當你要寄站內信(新增信件)就會被困住!  10/11 00:02
sgracee:用上述方式進信箱 按CTRL+P                               10/11 00:04
btovoms:這樣就可以寄信了??                                      10/11 00:05
btovoms:真的耶!!!!強者版主XDDDDDDD                              10/11 00:06
sgracee:信箱畫面看下面囉:p                                      10/11 00:07

2015年2月28日 星期六





a. 第三張牌在2跟J中間,贏一倍。
b. 第三張牌在2跟J外,輸一倍。
c. 第三張牌等於2或J,輸兩倍。

(2) 拿兩張一樣的牌,可以選擇大或小為贏的空間。所以aa或kk為這種狀況最好的牌,77剛好就是一半一半。

舉例: 拿兩張3,選大。

a. 第三張牌大於3,贏一倍。
b. 第三張牌小於3,輸一倍。 
c. 第三張牌等於3,輸兩倍。






(2) 桌面的錢被贏光,換下一家當莊,大家重新出十元。





(2) 桌面的籌碼被贏光,籌碼最少的人回答一個懲罰問題,換下一家當莊,籌碼重新分配為每個人五個,大家重新各出一個籌碼。

2014年11月22日 星期六

Dating Advice for Men from TV’s Barney Stinson

It’s easy to assume that guys watch How I Met Your Mother for the hilarious theories of the show’s well-dressed womanizer, Barney Stinson, and ladies love the show for the humorous and relatable relationship problems with the main characters.

Although the “Bro Code” and self-worship attitude of Barney Stinson has gained quite the cult following, there are lots of examples of things you should not do in the dating world that he suggests.

[Related reading: Pre-Marriage Relationship Advice for Men by Steve Horsmon]

Here are some memorable Barney Stinson pieces of dating advice for men that you shouldn’t necessarily follow (unless you want to get slapped).
Dating advice for men: 6 Dos and don’ts from a womanizer
1. Pick up chicks by insulting them

Bad advice: “Remember my three beginner’s tips for picking up chicks: Address her by name, isolate her from her friends, subtly put her down.” – Barney Stinson

Good advice: Be polite and have strong confidence. “Women want a man with steel balls. The desire is evolutionary. Females want someone who’s not going to run from a fight, a man who is confident in his ability to provide and protect.” – R. Don Steele, author of Body Language Secrets: A guide during Courtship and Dating.
2. Never date a girl more than once

Bad advice: “There are only two reasons to date a girl you’ve already dated: breast implants.” – Barney Stinson

Good Advice: Before getting back together, make a list of every conflict and compare notes. “Discuss each item and what you can do to fix it. Talk about where you stand on money, jobs, sex, parenting, expectations, religion, in-laws, and all the issues that you should’ve discussed the first time around.” –Dr. Phil McGraw, mental health professional of the Dr. Phil show.
3. Pretend she’s interesting

Bad advice: “The best way to feign interest in what a chick is saying is to silently nod your head to ‘My Sharona.’”—Barney Stinson

Good advice: Use good communication skills, “Good communication involves: skillful listening (empathy), effective self-expression (assertiveness), and caring (respect).” – Dr. David Burns, author ofFeeling Good Together: The Secret to Making Troubled Relationships Work.
4. Remember — you’re probably not cheating

Bad advice: “1. It’s not cheating if you’re not the one who’s married. 2. It’s not cheating if her name has two adjacent vowels. 3. And it’s not cheating if she’s from a different area code.” – Barney Stinson

Good advice: Accept responsibility. “You’ll never get past cheating until you start being drop-dead honest…by not being honest with yourself and your partner, you’re doing nothing but perpetuating the deception.” – Dr. Phil McGraw
5. Always be the opposite of the ideal boyfriend

Bad advice: “The ideal boyfriend is someone who is proficient in listening, communication, and compromise. Be proficient in none of these things.” – Barney Stinson

Good advice: Be an ideal boyfriend. Act as a team with your partner. “Couples that say ‘we’ are better at resolving disagreements than couples that emphasize their separateness.” — Researchers from The University of California, Berkeley.
6. Treat women like Gremlins

Bad advice: “The rules for girls are the same as Gremlins. Rule number one: Never get them wet. In other words, don’t let her take a shower in your place. Rule number two: Keep them away from sunlight—i.e., don’t ever see them during the day. And rule number three: Never feed them after midnight. Meaning she doesn’t sleep over, and you don’t have breakfast with her, ever.” – Barney Stinson

Good advice: Remind her of your feelings. “You might be surprised at how your entire relationship can be transformed by the addition of a few compliments, words of encouragement, and reminders of how loved they are.” – Dr. Wendy Walsh, relationship expert from CNN, Good Morning America, The View, and more.

While this list from Barney Stinson is perfect if you’re creating a TV sitcom (or planning on offending people), it’s not great dating advice if you want a successful long-term relationship. Barney eventually realized his womanizing ways and changed to be with his wife Robin, a drastic move for such a strong character. But love happens to those not even expecting it.

Stick to the dating advice from the experts or other sensible characters of How I Met Your Mother, like Marshall or Ted, if you actually want a shot at a good relationship.

2014年10月23日 星期四

The Difference Between a Curriculum Vitae (CV) and a Resume

Question: Curriculum Vitae vs. Resume? What is the difference between a curriculum vitae (CV) and a resume?

Answer: The primary differences between a resume and a curriculum vitae (CV) are the length, what is included and what each is used for.

A resume is a one or two page summary of your skills, experience and education. While a resume is brief and concise - no more than a page or two, a curriculum vitae is a longer (at least two pages) and more detailed synopsis.

A curriculum vitae includes a summary of your educational and academic backgrounds as well as teaching and research experience, publications, presentations, awards, honors, affiliations and other details. In Europe, the Middle East, Africa, or Asia, employers may expect to receive a curriculum vitae.

In the United States, a curriculum vitae is used primarily when applying for academic, education, scientific or research positions. It is also applicable when applying for fellowships or grants.Create Resume
Writing a Resume Template
Format CV
Cover Letter
Graduate Resume

2014年10月8日 星期三

17 tips for maintaining a long-term relationship

Have a happy relationship
Long-term relationships have become something of an enigma for many as divorce rates soar and the number of single parents keeps climbing. So here are our top tips on how to maintain a long-term relationship to help keep you and your other half happy within your relationship.
  1. 1. Base your relationship on friendship
There’s a mutual respect that comes with a friendship that is essential for a successful relationship with anyone – partner or not. Building your relationship on the basis of a friendship can help you learn about them without the added intensity of a relationship. For example, talk about everything, literally. If you’re watching the news together and a controversial story comes up, talk about it! You’ll learn a lot about each other’s moral compass and whether you are compatible as a couple or not.
  1. 2. Don’t cheat
This sounds obvious but is a surprisingly common pitfall. If you have any respect for your partner and the sanctity of your relationship then don’t play away. Even if your partner can bring themselves to forgive you, they will never forget. It will ultimately eat away at your relationship and the trust will have gone.
  1. 3. Be spontaneous
When you get comfortable in a relationship, it’s natural to fall into a routine which can become mundane over time. To avoid this, surprise your partner every so often, even if it’s something as daft as a fridge magnet you thought they’d like. The little things count and its gifts like these that show you’re thinking about your partner when you aren’t together.
  1. 4. Make time
Another obvious one, but if you don’t spend any time together alone as a couple then you’re inevitably going to drift apart. Relationships need intimacy in order to succeed so regular contact is essential. If you don’t see much of your partner and don’t feel like you miss them or need to see them more regularly, then maybe it is time to reassess whether you still have feelings for this person. (This of course excludes long-distance).
  1. 5. Tell them you care
After you’ve been together for a while, the fact that you care for one another becomes a given. But not verbalising your feelings for your partner could lead to them to think you no longer care for them and become disillusioned with the entire relationship. So make sure they know how strongly you feel.
  1. 6. Don’t hold back
This follows on from the last point, don’t be embarrassed to show intimacy for your partner in public. Whether it’s when you’re out with friends or in a room full of strangers, make sure you aren’t neglecting your partner because ‘people might see’. If anything, showing intimacy for them in front of others solidifies your relationship by showing you don’t care what others think and you aren’t embarrassed to be with them.
  1. 7. Keep your individuality
Brangelina, Bennifer, and TomKat are just a few of the celebrity power couples to have been given a nickname by the press to define their relationship. Whilst there is nothing wrong with becoming an official ‘couple’ in this way, it is important to maintain your individuality as a person. Make sure you dedicate yourself some ‘me’ time, even if it’s just having a relaxing pampering session or half-an-hour chilling in the bath reading your favourite magazine. Your relationship will do better for it.
  1. 8. Make time for your friends
Making time for your friends is an extension of the last tip. It’s hard not to spend 24/7 with someone you deeply care about, especially if you live together, but making time for friends outside of your relationship is essential for inner happiness for both you and your partner. One evening every week where you meet up with friends for a girly catch up or a meal out will give your relationship the space it needs as well as giving your other half the opportunity to catch up with their friends or finish that book they’ve been reading for ages.
  1. 9. Make date nights
Spending time together in a ‘date’ scenario will remind you of the early days of your relationship and keep that spark alive. An occasional shopping trip, night at the cinema, or meal out will bring back all the feelings you had in the beginning and bring you closer as a couple.
  1. 10. Set goals
Setting mutual goals together will enable you to understand where your relationship is heading. Sitting down together and talking about the future can be a daunting task, especially if you’re worried you might not want the same things. But explaining what you want and where you want to be in 5 or 10 years will help your partner understand what you want from them in the relationship and the longevity of it.
  1. 11. Experience new things together
Going travelling, trying new things in the bedroom, and even moving away to university are experiences you can share together. This can be an a bonding experience and can make or break relationships but without giving these things a go how will you know if your partner is truly the right person for you?
  1. 12. Don’t wear rose tinted spectacles
Glazing over issues you have as a couple is not a healthy way to deal with them. These things never stay buried and will eventually come back to bite you later, which could do more damage than if you had tackled the problem head on. No matter how small or large the issue is, it is best to air your feelings straight away so that you can deal with it together and give your relationship the chance to recover and get stronger from it.
  1. 13. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable
Bottling up feelings never did anyone any good, so if you have had an emotional experience, sharing it with your partner can be a great way to bond. Showing your vulnerable side will make them want to care and protect you, strengthening the romantic side to your relationship.
  1. 14. Remember why you got together in the first place
There are moments in every relationship where you come to the point of despair, often during an intense argument. But when the feelings of ‘why do I even bother’ arise, remembering why you initially got with your partner and all the happy moments you’ve had together can lift this feeling and help you realise that all relationships have their ups and downs, it’s how you deal with them that matters.
  1. 15. Don’t forget to listen
During an argument it’s easy to see red and scream obscenities at each other. But calming down and listening to each other rather than having a screaming match will help you resolve the problem much quicker.
  1. 16. Appreciate the little things
Whether it’s doing the washing up, cooking your tea or surprising you with flowers, learning to appreciate the small gestures your partner makes to show that they care can only be beneficial. After all, if you don’t give any response at all they might stop bothering!
  1. 17. Don’t get sloppy
Maintaining your relationship is a two way street. Making sure you keep your hygiene and grooming habits to the same standard they were at the start of your relationship, should be another obvious one but it's surprisingly common for standards to slip. Remember how in the beginning you would take forever to get ready for your dates? While your partner might not expect the same level of dedication every day, they will at least expect you to make a bit of effort or they will lose interest. That person they fell for shouldn’t disappear over time. Making an effort with your appearance shows you want to remain attractive to them and your commitment to the relationship as a whole.
By Sophie Atherton @SophAthers

Read more: http://www.femalefirst.co.uk/relationships/17-tips-for-maintaining-a-long-term-relationship-286076.html#ixzz3FXXrxrc2

2014年10月6日 星期一

[心得] 第一次跨考資工所就上手



台大資工 正取 數學79 計系57.5 資演77 
        總分 216.3  
台大電機 缺考  
交大資工 正取 數學45 計系71   資演77 
        總分 193  
清華資工 正取 計科73 計系86       
        總分 159  
成功資工 正取 數學55 計系57   資演79          總分 191  
中央資工 正取 數學56 計系84   資演69          總分 209  
中興資工 正取 數學93 概論74                 總分 167

    參考書目有黃子嘉三本,Friedberg 線代原文書以及線代啟示錄(網頁)  
    因為這科在大二時學的算是不錯,且大三還有修線代三,所以在整個準備過程中沒有花太多時間,這科CP值是我認為全部科目裡面最高且沒有之一,千萬不要學我都不怎麼念,看我考試成績便知,數學很淒慘,建議花多一點時間,可以拿到跟所花時間相對應的分數,題目雖然靈活但是只要掌握關鍵觀念,非常容易把握,然後今年各校的數學題目都大變,明年考生可能可以參考今年的。  然後,我題目只有做完黃子嘉全部是非,還有1/3的EASY題目而已,Jordan form 我是全部放棄,個人覺得不會考,要不要讀見仁見智。    
    參考書目有黃子嘉三本,Rosen 離散原文書  
    很多人都說這科CP很高,我是覺得還好,因為除了基本的題目,其他都是考感覺的如果當下沒FU,就很可能無法下筆,然後遞迴跟樹還有圖論超級重要,其他就考反應。這科,我也沒有花很多時間,因為我在大二升大三的暑假,無聊就把原文書看過一遍,之後開始準備研究所的時候衝很快,然後建議題目多作一點,比較有機會觸類旁通。  題目做完黃子嘉第一章到代數,後面全部題目,且很多都做兩三次,其他像有限狀態機,波利雅,個人認為可以不用讀。  
    參考書目有張凡兩本,Patterson 白算盤  
    個人覺得這科CP也是相當之高,花在上面的時間絕對可以從分數看出來,這科大主軸就是那些,基本常識、效能分析、處理器、記憶體架構等,全部都沒有很難,然後大部分都不用背,計算機既然是人設計出來的,每一個部分都有其為什麼,只要想通很多都很順理成章,然後這科有時候數字可能有點醜,要耐心的算完。  題目做完白算盤後面題目,以及張凡後面全部題目,然後張凡那本做兩三遍。multicycle 個人認為不會考,可以放棄,不過怕死還是看一下比較好。  
    個人最喜歡OS,不過這科CP不高,東西很多很雜,雖然跟計組一樣,可以用理解的,不過實在太多,相當容易忘,很多都是忘了讀,讀了再忘這樣,然後可以配合計組一起讀,還有恐龍的英文有點難,很多都要看很多遍才懂再說什麼,然後遇到沒看過的,都可以查恐龍的 index 基本上都會有。這科就是基本拿到,剩下就儘量看恐龍吧。  題目做完恐龍到十二章後面的習題,洪逸題目94~99兩三遍。  
    強烈建議這科,讀的時候可以把大部分的資料結構都用程式碼打過一遍,會非常有感覺,這科筆記很少,大概三、四天都看就能看一輪,然後重點就是樹、排序,還有時間複雜度,第一遍讀的時候就看完瞭解再說什麼,就跑去打程式,比方說看完 heapsort 確認理解後,就用程式碼打出來,一定會卡住,這時候就會發現,原來之前覺得理所當然的地方,事實上並沒有這麼理所當然,多幾次就會很有感覺,第二第三遍,就可以很快。  題目做完洪逸題庫94~99兩三遍。  
    參考書目 Cormen 的 Introduction to Algorithms。  
    看到原文書很厚可能會覺得這科很難讀,事實上讀這科有一些小技巧,通常原文書再講一個演算法的時候,會先花兩三頁,講解這個問題,以及解決這個問題可以帶來的好處,比方說最小生成樹,他就會說這個問題是要求出最小連通成本,解決完可以讓建構一個網路的成本最低等,之後會再有兩三頁講如何解這個問題,Kruskal、Prim 等,再來會花二十到三十頁證明這些演算法的正確性,同樣以 MST 為例子,他就會證明一個 CUT 中最小的 edge 一定是 safe 的,到此 MST 結束。從中有沒有發現什麼問題?沒錯,碩士班入學考,基本上不會考演算法的正確性證明,所以,讀這本原文書的時候,只要看問題,以及如何解決的方法,非常的快速,累積多了之後,很多題目都可以很快反應,比方說看到 DAG 就馬上連想到拓樸排序,再連想到拓樸排序是用 DFS 等,很快就可以解決一個問題。然後 Cormen 的英文算是非常平易近人,很容易讀懂。  題目只有做完 Cormen 有答案的題目。  
    線代=計組 > 離散=資結 > OS=演算

  我認為實力不只是開始衝刺之後累積的,所以我把我認為對我實力都有影響的都打出來,希望可以參考看看。    前年的7月~8月:





衝張凡的計組,然後資料結構洪逸筆記再看一次,恐龍加減看,參雜一點離散跟  線代,時間開始變多,一天大概五小時左右。


再把OS跟資結題庫再看一次,離散代數再看一次。開始寫考古題,時間開始變  少一天又回到約略5小時。





  二、要不要看原文書?            A:要,雖然看原文書,可能很累,而且讀完可能還是都不太會,不過那是一個感覺,讀原文書就是培養 sense 可能現在看完會覺得很亂都沒有架構,可是可能之後看了某段,就突然通了,或是原文書會有前呼後應,比較能夠觸類旁通,尤其是OS跟演算法的原文書特別明顯。



  Do something for the future.
有問題歡迎討論。 : )