All About Recommendation LettersWhat is a recommendation letter? Who do you ask and how do you get one? Frequently asked questions - answered.
What Is a Good Letter of Recommendation?Characteristics of effective recommendation letters.
12 Don'ts for Getting Letters of RecommendationWhat shouldn't you do if you want a helpful recommendation letter from a professor.
Letters of Recommendation for NonTraditional Applicants to Graduate SchoolNontraditional applicants to graduate school have special concerns, especially when it comes to obtaining recommendation letters.
Should You Ask a Teaching Assistant for a Recommendation Letter?Is a teaching assistant a good choice for a recommendation letter?
Should You Write Your Own Recommendation Letter for Graduate School?What do you do if a prof tells you to write up a letter?
When Recommendation Letters Don't ArriveWhat do you do if a recommendation letter is missing from your graduate school application?
How Do I Get a Letter of Recommendation When I Attend an Online University?Can I get a recommendation from online instructors?
Why are Evaluation Letters Important to Your Med School Application?What do these letters say about you?
Dos and Don'ts for Gettining Recommendation LettersAvoid these mistakes -- and follow this advice
Sample Graduate School Recommendation by ProfessorSpecific characteristics of an effective recommendation letter.
Is Returning Recommendation Letters in Signed, Sealed Envelopes Too Much to Ask?Is organizing all that paperwork unreasonable?
Before You Agree to Write a Graduate Applicant's Third Letter of RecommendationA student is desperate for a recommendation letter. You don't know her well. Should you write on her behalf?
How Do I Get a Letter of Recommendation Five Years After Graduation?You've been out of school for several years and want to go to grad school. What do you about getting letters of recommendation?
Getting Good Letters of Recommendation; Experiences that MatterWhat kinds of experiences lead to helpful recommendation letters?
Recommendation Letters: Choosing RefereesBy now you know that letters of recommendation are critical to your success in gaining entry to graduate school. But how do you choose people to approach for recommendation letters?
What is a Recommendation Letter?Brief definition
How to Get a Recommendation LetterHere's how to get a letter of recommendation for grad school.
Thanking Your Letter WritersThanking those who write letters of recommendation on your behalf is not just good manners, it's solid professional advice. Here's a sample letter to illustrate this simple but very effective note.
Sample Thank You Note to Your RecommendersIt only takes a moment, but leaves a big impression. Send a thank you note to those who have written on behalf of your graduate school application.
Who should I ask to write my recommendation letter?Who should you turn to for a helpful letter of recommendation?
How to Request a Recommendation Letter Two Years LaterHow do you request a recommendation letter when you've been off campus for a while?
Plan Ahead to Apply to Graduate SchoolApplicants who earn good recommendation letters plan, establish relationships, and get research experience well ahead of time.
Writing Letters of RecommendationWalk a mile in their shoes. Take a professor's perspective, learn how to write a letter of recommendation, and understand what you need to do to get excellent letters.